Canada Greener Homes Grant

The Canada Greener Homes Initiative provides grants and a loan for home evaluations and for retrofits. You can get upto $5,600 in rebates for your house. The eligible retrofits include home insulation, windows and doors, air sealing, and mechanical and renewable energy systems.


It is important to read all the eligibility criteria and initiative requirements to be sure that you will qualify for the grants and/or the loan at the end of the process. You must undertake both a pre- and post-retrofit EnerGuide evaluation to be eligible.


We can help you qualify for the grants and make the most of this program. 

Eligibility Requirements

  • Only one homeowner per home can register
  • Prove ownership of the property (Municipal property tax documents)
  • Prove its your primary residence ( Government issued photo ID with matching address, such as driver’s license)

Greener homes grant offers : 

  • Grants from $125 to $5,000
    To get a part of your costs back for eligible home retrofits
  • Up to $600
    As a maximum contribution toward the total costs of your pre- and post-retrofit EnerGuide evaluations
  • Interest-free loans of up to $40,000, with a repayment term of 10 years to help you undertake major home retrofits

Canada Greener homes Loan:


Maximum: $40,000
Minimum: $5,000
Repayment term: 10 years, interest-free
Loan type: Unsecured personal loan on approved credit


The quotations for the work and the retrofits chosen in the application are used to determine the maximum acceptable loan amount. More Information

Rebates You can get :

Space and Water Heating Rebates

Your new heat pump must be installed by a licensed and trained professional and be on one of the eligible product lists below in order to be eligible for a grant. All eligible product lists are available in an online searchable format.

Eligible product lists: Your new heat pump must be on the list of eligible products

Home Insulation

  • Exposed Floor – $350 (based on minimum area of 11 m² (120 sq.ft.) and R-value added)

  • Foundation
    • Basement (header, slab, and/or wall) – $210 – $2,140 (based on percentage of area(s) insulated and R-value added)
    • Crawl space (100% of wall and header, or ceiling) – $800 – $1,300 (based on the crawl space wall area and R-value added)
    • When both a basement and crawl space are present, all applicable grants are pro-rated to a maximum of $1,500 based on the  total wall area and the insulation added.
  • Exterior Walls –  $660 – $5,000 (based on percentage of area insulated (at least 20%) and R-value added), as published on Canada greener homes grant website EXt insulation Note: Semi- detached and end unit row houses are eligible for 75% of the listed grant amounts, Middle unit row houses, are eligible for 50% of the listed amounts.
  • Attics – $250 – $1,800 (based on percentage of area insulated and R-value achieved, as published on Canada greener homes grant websiteInsulation

Air Sealing

Your Renovation Upgrade Report will provide you with a target to improve the airtightness of your home. Typically, the airtightness levels would be achieved with the assistance of an air-sealing professional.Air


Windows and Doors

Homeowner can get either $125 or $250 per rough opening of the window/door. 

  • $250 – U-factor ( 1.05 or less) or Energy Rating ( 40 or Higher) 
  • $125 – U-factor ( 1.22 or less) or Energy Rating( 34 or Higher)
Windows and doors have to be in the product list given by government and they should be energy star.

Other Retrofits Eligible for rebates

  • Solar – $1000 per 1KW of solar capacity installed, minimum of 1.0 kW required
  • Thermostats – $50  (must be combined with another energy efficiency retrofit) 
  • Resiliency Measures (must be combined with another energy efficiency retrofit)
    • Batteries connected to photovoltaic systems to provide standby power for home $1,000
    • Roofing membrane—self-adhering roofing underlayment applied to entire roof $150
    • Foundation water-proofing $875
    • Moisture proofing of 100% of crawlspace floor, walls and headers $600
*Disclaimer – Content and Images referred from canada greener NRCan website.